Lucky Sweet Stuffs

Hi, Guys!!!

Welcome to Lucky Sweet Stuffs blog..

We're coming to ease our new costumers in look at our products are offered. To see more of our products, you can visit our Instagram account.
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~Thank you and Happy shopping. ~


Lucky Sweet Stuffs

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Hai semua! Sudah lama ya kami tidak mempos produk-produk jualan kami. tapi percayalah bahwa bisnis kami masih berjalan dengan lancar kok. Bahkan kami memiliki kabar baik untuk kamu-kamu, Luckiers yang tinggal di Palangkaraya, hehehehehehehe.

Horeeee!!! Kami telah membuka toko resmi kami di sana. Nama toko kami adalah Yutakamise
. Tapi kami tidak hanya menjual barang-barang bekas belum terpakai/sudah terpakai namun yutakamise juga adalah tempat yang melayani penyewaan gaun-gaun kece kami untuk kalian yang ingin terlihat menakjubkan di segala acara seperti acara ulang tahun, perpisahan sekolah, acara kelululusan, nikahan, dan sebagainya tapi kalian ga punya banyak waktu lagi untuk membeli dres baru untuk pergi ke pesta. Kami menyewakan dres dengan harga murah tapi bukan kualitas murahan. Jadi kami adalah jawaban dengan solusi terbaik tanpa membuat kalian khawatir lagi. Kalian bisa datang ke Yutakamise di Jalan Sangga Buana 1 No. 667 Palangkaraya. Kalau kalian langsung datang ke toko maka kamu akan disambut dengan hangat dan ramah oleh pemilik butik loh.... Kami menyediakan gaun yang menjaminkan kamu menjadi putri cantik dan gaun-gaun yang sedang booming jadi kalian bisa datang ke pesta dengan gaya terup-to-date.* Jadi datanglah dan menjadi seorang putri. Kami menunggumu.

Ssssttttt..... Kalau kamu tertarik untuk mengkoleksi baju di toko kami. kami menerima kok pembelian  dari putri-putri pelanggan kami. kami menjamin harga murang dengan kualita ga murahan buat kalian para putri kece.

Informasi lebih lengkap silakan menghubungi:
 Owner via Line/BBM ya guys.. ^^

Semoga harimu menyenangkan

* Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.


Hello everyone! it's a long time that we didn't post any update about our products. but just believe us that our business runs smoothly. Even we have a good news for you who live in Palangkaraya, hehehehehe...

Yasss!! we've opened our official shop there. the shop name is Yutakamise . but we inform that we aren't just selling pre-loved/second stuffs but Yutakamise is also a place serves you to rent our Fabulous Gown (dress) for person who wants to look gorgeous at any event su bch as birthday party, prom night, graduation party, wedding, and so on but they haven't have time anymore to buy new dress to come.We rent a dress with cheap price but not cheap quality. so we are the answer for your nice solution without having to worry anymore. You can come to Yutakamise in Sangga Buana 1  street No. 667 Palangkaraya.
 If you come to our store, you will be greeted with a warm and friendly welcome by the owner's boutique . we provide some dress guaranteed you being good-looking princess and booming gowns so that you could come to the party with up-to-date style. You can also request a dress that you want to use but is not available in stores.* So Come and being a princess. we are waiting for you.

Pssssttt .. If you're also interested in having a dress in our store. We accept the purchase of our princess customer as well. We guaranteed the price is cheap but the quality is not cheap.

More information please contact:
the owner via Line/BBM.. ^^

Hope you have a nice day.. 

* Terms and Conditions apply.

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